As blind men in the streets
Translation in progress from

This prophecy describes the upmost humiliation that Messiah had to go through, and the severity of the punishment that his garments will be like blood socked. As prophesied, the people stayed outside as entering into place where Messiah was punished would defile them.




They wandered, blind, through the streets; they were so defiled with blood that no one was able to touch their garments. “Away! Unclean!” people cried at them. “Away! Away! Do not touch!” So they became fugitives and wanderers; people said among the nations, “They shall stay with us no longer.” - Lamentations 4:14-15

Related Prophecies

Because of all my adversaries I have become a reproach, especially to my neighbors, and an object of dread to my acquaintances; those who see me in the street flee from me - Psalm 31:11




Then they led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the governor's headquarters. It was early morning. They themselves did not enter the governor's headquarters, so that they would not be defiled, but could eat the Passover. So Pilate went outside to them and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?” They answered him, “If this man were not doing evil, we would not have delivered him over to you.” - John 18:28-30