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Excavated Truth
Amazing Truth
Milky Way Galaxy in the Bible
Fossil thorns issue
Book of Lamentations
Authenticity of Paul's Letters
Rising of LGBT/LGBTQ and the Solution
Joseph's Dream
Genealogy of Jesus Christ
So all the generations
Isaac or Ishmael
How Mary Related to Elizabeth
Prophecy about New Testament
Importance of Baptism
Spirit of Father or Spirit of Son
What Bible says about islam?
What Bible says about mormon?
What Bible says about judaism?
What Jesus said about roman catholicism?
What Jesus said about Church denominations?
Humor in Preaching?
Words of Jesus Christ
Let it be so now
My Father
You shall be called Cephas
Simon, Son of Jonah
But I say unto you
Silence, Be Still !
I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel
Who touched me?
Father who is in heaven give good things
They have now been with me three days
Go, wash in the pool of Siloam
You have seen him
You would not have condemned the guiltless
Do not touch Me
I have set you an example
Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?
I did one work
Toll or Tax
Remain here and watch
Teaching of Jesus Christ
Seated themselves in the chair of Moses
When the messengers of John had left
None will be given it except the sign of Jonah
When evening comes, you say
And in the morning
Still without understanding?
They did not even have time to eat
This is John, whom I beheaded
He sought to see him
They all ate and were satisfied
for they did not understand about the loaves
they had only one loaf with them in the boat
When the disciples reached the other side
Two hundred denarii
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
Leaven of Herod
Gates of hell shall not prevail against it
They saw a charcoal fire in place
Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?
O unbelieving and perverted generation
no staff
When the apostles returned
All that they had done
Who do people say that I am?
What are you arguing about with them?
Do not think others are less important for Lord
Why could we not cast it out?
Except by prayer
Except by prayer and fasting
This kind
What were you discussing on the way?
It shall not be so among you
Do not stop him
Do not dominate others
Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin
Because of your unbelief
In Your Name
I am sending you out like lambs among wolves
When Jesus saw that a crowd came running together
Some say
Who do you say I am?
I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven
I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven
Take nothing for the journey except a Staff
Do not wear two tunics
When you receive glory from one another
Unless you turn and become like children
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them
Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!
The man was speechless
Their fathers treated the false prophets in the same way
Simon, son of Jonah
I do not know where you come from
You Hypocrites!
Woe to you, Chorazin!
Go in peace
Seeing in the distance
They will be like the angels in heaven
Until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God
Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers
Stay here and watch
It is hard for you to kick against the goads
How to become a Children of God?
That they might cast him down headlong
Most dangerous question
You have both seen Him
You without understanding
You Fools!
You Blind Guides!
Questions of Jesus Christ
Are you the teacher of Israel?
The wind blows where it wishes
Why do you call me Good?
Are there not 12 hrs in the day?
Comparison Teaching of Jesus Christ
You have never heard his voice nor seen his form
Hid himself from them
She has come beforehand
Beauty of Jesus Christ
When he sat down
He stood on a level place
So that He got into a boat and sat down
They uncovered the roof where He was
As John taught his disciples
When He had come into the house
Herod sought to see him
He turned toward the woman and said to Simon
[Acted as if] He intended to pass by them
I am willing
Sin no more
What was his Answer?
He did not want anyone to know it
Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds
Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father
I spoken unto you in proverbs
I do not receive glory from people
When Jesus saw that a crowd came running together
Father is with Me
Lazarus come out
He can do only what He sees His Father doing
Jesus went on ahead [of them]
If these were silent, the very stones would cry out
He gave no answer
The rooster will not crow till you have denied me three times
A man carrying a jar of water will meet you
Stone's throw
The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter
Tell his disciples and Peter
O foolish ones
Put your finger here
Prophecy about Jesus Christ
But by my Spirit
He that shall come forth out of thine own bowels
I will make thy seed as dust
From the womb
Whatever opens the womb
This one was born there
We heard of it at Ephratah
He shall be My son
One Jewish Person
My Sanctified Ones
Ask of me
Take a heifer with you
They have now been with me three days
Lift up your staff
You went forth before Your people
Hosanna to the Son of David!
Caiaphas Prophecy
Let us cut Him off from the land of the living
Tears on her cheeks
He was oppressed and He was afflicted
Princes are among the Gentiles
The plowers plowed upon my back
Red heifer without blemish
Away! Unclean! They shall stay with us no longer
How dreadful is this place
O Immanuel
Set it upon a pole
Shall not uncover his head
As a swimmer spreads his hands
Zion stretches out her hands
This is Wickedness
They divide My garments among them
His cloth should not be torn
Wagging their heads
Covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud
They heard my groaning
First and Last moments of Crucifixion
Should give up his spirit
Into your hand I commit my spirit
I am poured out like water
In their anger they slew a man
Let me die the death of the righteous
Cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost
Should give up his spirit in a load voice
Joseph's hand shall close your eyes
Take the Levites for me
Crucifixion Prophecy
City of Refuge
Let him give his cheek to strike
Who can heal you?
Winepress the virgin daughter of Judah
Her Nazirites were brighter than snow
Jesus Christ should give up his spirit before the thieves dies
With hewn stone
Under his shadow we shall live
Resurrection Prophecy
He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord
Jesus must return to the Father
Psalm 30 (for Christ Resurrection)
Jesus Christ is our King
66 + 3 = 70
Total is 70 or 75?
Isaiah 55
Psalm 107
The nations enter her sanctuary
Trinity of Jesus Christ
Abraham's Explanation
Oaks of Mamre Explanation
Bread Explanation
Sarah's Explanation
Hebrew Explanation
Melchizedek Explanation
Isaac's Explanation
Jacob's Explanation
Three Shepherds
Three Trees
Three Messengers
Prophecy about Crucifixion
Judah's Explanation
Noah's Explanation
Mount Sinai's Explanation
Temple Veil Explanation
Spies Explanation
Hannah's Explanation
Samuel's Explanation
King Saul's Explanation
David Explanation
Asaph's Explanation
Isaiah's Explanation
Elijah's Explanation
Elisha's Explanation
Zechariah's Explanation
River of Eden's Explanation
Hosea's Explanation
Malachi's Explanation
Joel's Explanation
Exiles Explanation
Wise Men Explanation
Christ Explanation
I am the way, and the truth, and the life
The door of the sheep
Heaven's Explanation
Authority Explanation
5 Loaves and 7 Loaves Explanation
He will take what is mine & He will take what is mine
Plural Explanation
Nazarene Explanation
Angel(s) Explanation
Third Day Explanation
Kings and Sons - Explanation
Three measures of flour Explanation
Three Loaves Explanation
Ascension Explanation
Trinity in Genesis
Holy Names of Jesus Christ
How Father called the Son
How Son called the Father
Jesus Christ alone is God
What did you go out into the wilderness to see?
My Father
Why do you call me Good?
Sin no more
I have compassion
To give glory to God
Tell how much God has done for you
There is no evil in him!
Believe in the light
I am the Son of God
Will be seated at the right hand
He Glorified God
Excavated Truth
You have both seen Him
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